
Recently, the EFR Family and race team have brought forward the idea of a “Track Appreciation Day” to honor our home track and frequent weekend getaway, Island Dragway. Some of the early and initial plans are to gather as many of our racers and their families/friends to come and give back to the track, family, and staff that gives so much to us. As well all know, Melissa, Carl, John and the entire ID staff work incredibly hard week in and week out to provide a great track and great atmosphere for all of their racers, whether it be the regulars or to those who may have come for the first time. With the recent addition of a beautiful young daughter, Melissa and Carl have still somehow found the time to ensure all of us that the track will be as good as ever, and our weekends will continue to be filled with memories we will never forget. This was easily on display this past Sunday, during what can only be described as an unbelievable turnout for the 57th Anniversary Race and Funny Car Showdown. The venue was packed full, and the event ran as smoothly as anyone could have imagined! I think we can all understand that running a small town dragstrip is no easy task. With that being said, the idea is to propose a weekend date later in the season where we can gather as many volunteers as possible to dedicate a day in appreciation to Island Dragway. A few early thoughts are to paint the Tower both inside and out (in respects to our awesome announcer Hank), paint the back fence across the starting line, possibly incorporating “Welcome to Island Dragway” along the road side, continue the landscaping efforts that have already been started, create some promotional signs/banners that can be displayed throughout the track, and help with any other projects the track may have in mind. We would strongly encourage donations of any kind, whether they be paint, supplies or anything else that will help continue to grow OUR track to make it better than ever before. Please racers and friends, provide your feedback and any additional ideas below and pass this along to all that you think may be interested in helping out! Let’s show Melissa, Carl and their entire crew how much everything they do means to us! Thank you!

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